School Council

The York Region District School Board believes collaborative and inclusive partnerships among schools, families and their communities are essential to advancing student learning, achievement, well-being and mental health.

Strong and inclusive partnerships are built from a common vision and common goals, and are nurtured through regular communication and meaningful consultation involving all members of the school community.

Working together with school councils to collaborate, co-create, and implement actions that meet the needs of students in diverse communities. School councils play an important role in building school, family, and community partnerships by providing input into relevant Board and school-level decisions and by working with members of the school community to support student learning, achievement, well-being and mental health. 

Being a member of school council is just one way families can get involved to support the school community. Learn about other ways to support your child’s learning at home and at school.

For more information, visit School Council on the YRDSB website.